Locally Commissioned Lay Ministry

What is a Locally Commissioned Lay Minister?

Locally Commissioned Lay Ministers (LCLMs) are commissioned for ministry in their local parish or context.

LCLMs can be:

  • Lay Ministers who have completed the Living Discipleship course and were commissioned for lay ministry by their parish at the end of the programme.
  • Authorised Lay Ministers who transferred to local commissioning at the age of 70.
  • Those already offering a ministry in their local parish that the incumbent and PCC wish to formalise. This includes those wishing to be occasional worship leaders - for training on this click here.

Requirements for being locally commissioned

To be locally commissioned, lay ministers will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Support of their incumbent and PCC.
  • Agree a role descriptor with their incumbent.
  • Where the particular role is eligible for an enhanced DBS check, valid clearance is required at the appropriate level. DBS certificates are valid for 3 years. Information about DBS checks can be found here.
  • Valid safeguarding training. Please check with the Safeguarding Team for the appropriate level of training required for the particular ministry. Safeguarding Training is valid for 3 years.

Information for Incumbents

Locally Commissioned Lay Ministers and the exercising of their ministry are the responsibility of the commissioning parish. It is also the responsibility of the parish to ensure that DBS checks and safeguarding training are kept up to date.

New Lay Ministers

If the requirements listed above have been met then you can commission a lay minister in your parish.

Once you have commissioned a new Lay Minister please complete the LCLM form and return it to Cath Hughes.

You may wish to use the 

Lay Ministers transferring from an Authorisation to Local Commission

At the age of 70, Authorised Lay Ministers (ALMs) transfer to local commissioning and continue their ministry as Locally Commissioned Lay Ministers (LCLMs). At the diocesan renewal period (01 May) after they turn 70 the ALM will be contacted by the Vocations and Training Team about becoming an LCLM.

If the requirements listed above have been met then you can commission a former Authorised Lay Minister for ministry in your parish.

You may wish to use the 

Locally Commissioned Lay Ministers

Please ensure that DBS checks and Safeguarding Training are kept up to date

It is also recommended as good practice that:

  • LCLMs are recommissioned annually and incumbent and PCC support for the ongoing ministry of the LCLM is confirmed annually. You may wish to use this renewal form.
  • the role descriptor is reviewed annually.
  • the parish provides opportunities for ongoing training, development and support.

There is no need to return the recommissioning or renewal documents to the Vocations and Training Team .

Page last updated: Tuesday 25th March 2025 10:21 AM
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