Lay Funeral Ministers

Licensed Lay Funeral Ministers and Lay Funeral Ministers with PtO

Licensed Lay Funeral Ministers are lay people trained to conduct funerals on behalf of the Bishop in their local commuinties. They hold the BIshop's licence and are an important resource in responding to the pastoral needs and missional opportuinties that funerals present.

For more information about Funeral Ministry and resources see Death, Dying and Funerals.

If you are interested in the role of a Lay Funeral Minister please contact Helen Scheven.

Lay Funeral Ministers are licensed to a parish, benefice or deanery within the diocese. At the age of 70, Lay Funeral Ministers transfer from a licence to a Permission to Officiate (PtO).

Lay Funeral Minister licences and PtOs are administered by the Vocations and Training Team. For information about licence and PtO requirements, renewals and transfers please contact Cath Hughes

Please see below for information about:

Licensed Lay Funeral Ministers

Length of Lay Funeral Minister Licences

  • Lay Funeral Minister licences are issued for 5 years until the age of 70, or until the next diocesan renewal date. 
  • All diocesan Lay Funeral Minister licences are renewed at the quinquennial renewal on 01 May in the 1st and 6th years of each decade.
  • As Lay Funeral Ministers are required to have valid DBS clearance and safeguarding training, their licence will only remain valid if these are kept up to date. See further details below.

Requirements for a Lay Funeral Minister Licence

The requirements for holding a Bishop's Lay Funeral Minister licence are:

  • Support of the incumbent and PCC in each parish to which the Lay Funeral Minister is licensed.
  • Lay Ministry Review and role descriptor. Details of this can be found below.
  • Valid DBS clearance: Enhanced clearance for adult and child workforce, including adult and child barred lists checks. DBS certificates are valid for 3 years. Information about DBS checks can be found here.
  • Valid safeguarding training: Church of England Leadership level. Safeguarding training is valid for 3 years. Details of diocesan safeguarding training can be found here.
  • Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD): the equivalent of 1 day per year. Details of training courses can be found here and will be sent to Lay Ministers by email and advertised in The Bulletin.

Renewing a Lay Funeral Minister Licence

When a licence is due to be renewed the necessary paperwork will be sent to the Lay Funeral Minister. 

For a licence to be renewed the Lay Funeral Minister must send:

  • The completed Lay Funeral Minister licence renewal form.
  • The original copy of their licence.
  • A role descriptor, dated within the last 12 months and signed by the Lay Funeral Minister and their incumbent. Details of this can be found below.

to Cath Hughes, Vocations and Training Co-ordinator, St Mary's House, The Close, Lichfield. WS13 7LD.

Lay Funeral Ministers with PtO

Length of Lay Funeral Minister PtOs

The length of PtO granted depends on the age of the Lay Funeral Minister:

  • Age 70 - 3 year PtO
  • Age 71 to 75 - 2 year PtO
  • Age 76 and over - 1 year PtO.

At the end of this period, the Lay Funeral Minister will need to apply for a new PtO.

Requirements for a Lay Funeral Minister PtO

The requirements for having a Bishop's Lay Funeral Minister PtO are:

  • Support of the incumbent and PCC in each parish to which the Lay Funeral Minister is granted Permission to Officiate.
  • Valid DBS clearance: Enhanced clearance for adult and child workforce, including adult and child barred lists checks. DBS certificates are valid for 3 years. Information about DBS checks can be found here.
  • Valid safeguarding training: Church of England Leadership level. Safeguarding training is valid for 3 years from the date of completion. Details of diocesan safeguarding training can be found here.

It is also recommended as good practice that Lay Funeral Ministers with PtO continue to:

  • undergo Lay Ministry Reviews and agree a role descriptor with their incumbent;
  • develop their ministry and take advantage of training opportunities.

These recommended practices are administered locally and not required as part of the PtO application, renewal or transfer process.

Applying for a Lay Funeral Minister PtO

When a PtO is due to expire or a Lay Funeral Minister is due to transfer from a licence to a PtO the necessary paperwork will be sent to the Lay Funeral Minister. 

To apply for a PtO the Lay Funeral Minister must send:

If transferring from a licence to a PtO for the first time a Lay Funeral Minister must also send:

  • the original copy of their licence.

to Cath Hughes, Vocations and Training Co-ordinator, St Mary's House, The Close, Lichfield. WS13 7LD.

Transferring a Licence or PtO

If you wish to transfer your Lay Funeral Minister licence or PtO to a different parish or benefice within the diocese, you can apply to do this once you have settled into your new parish(es) for a period of six months.

Applying to transfer a Lay Ministry Licence or PtO

To apply to transfer your licence or PtO you will need to:

  • meet the requirements for a licence or PtO as outlined above.
  • agree a role descriptor with your new incumbent. Details of this can be found below.
  • have valid DBS clearance
  • have valid safeguarding training
  • complete the Lay Funeral Minister Licence or PtO transfer form.
  • send your transfer form, role descriptor and most recent Lay Funeral Minister licence and/or PtO to Cath Hughes, Vocations and Training Co-ordinator.

Lay Funeral Minister Reviews

Incumbents are asked to carry out a review of each licensed Lay Funeral Minister's ministry. The purpose of the review is to focus on the ministry the Lay Funeral Minister offers and to explore what this means for them in the coming months and years.

Licensed Lay Funeral Ministers

Licensed Lay Funeral Ministers are required to have a full review with their incumbent once every five years and to review their role descriptor annually. The full review includes:

  • completing the review form and sending it to the incumbent before the review.
  • having a review with their incumbent, during which a role descriptor/working agreement is agreed. A role descriptor template and a guide to drawing up a written role descriptor are available to use if needed.

A signed copy of the most recent role descriptor will be requested as part of the licence renewal or transfer process.

Lay Funeral Ministers with PtO

Lay Funeral Ministers with PtO are advised to have an annual review with their incumbent and to agree their role descriptor but this is not required as part of the PtO application or transfer process.

A role descriptor template for Lay Funeral Minister PtOs and a guide to drawing up a written role descriptor are available to use if needed.

Page last updated: Monday 3rd March 2025 4:38 PM
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