Wellington Christ Church and Hadley Holy Trinity



Monthly services:

10 regular services.

Schools, colleges:



Training Incumbent
The Revd Stuart Howes

Trained: Queen's Foundation. Deaconed: 2017

I am a priest in the Anglo Catholic tradition, but serving a very mixed congregation consisting of a variety of church backgrounds, from Anglo Catholics, Methodists, Orthodox, Free Church and everything else in between. It works really well! I am on a mission to prove that Anglo Catholic worship can be fun and engaging and so have a very relaxed approach to worship and my relationship with the congregation. I believe in our worship being centred around the Eucharist but we love to explore other ways to worship together as well.

TI/parish stance on LLF

We would be looking to use the Prayers of Love and Faith as part of our ministry here at Wellington Christ Church and Hadley Holy Trinity.


The context

One Parish is situated on the western side of Telford, and on the edge of the beautiful Shropshire countryside, we are a friendly and welcoming congregation who love to meet together to worship. We consider ourselves to be in the Liberal Catholic tradition, but actually we are a very mixed congregation.

We have developed a culture of boldness in inviting those we come into contact with in our lives to church on a Sunday, as well as other events that take place. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels loved and accepted, and inspired to grow in their faith, built on a foundation of worship, fellowship and service. We have recently passed a PCC resolution to join Inclusive Church, where we look to build on what we do well already as well as seek to learn and grow as a church to make sure that all who attend feel included and welcomed but most importantly loved by God.

There are a range of activities that take place at One Parish, we try to offer something for everyone. We hope you enjoy reading this profile and that you would consider being part of this crazy journey with us. We believe that faith is a journey best travelled together.

Mission statistics (2023)

  Electoral Roll Usual Sunday Attendance Adults Usual Sunday Attendance Children Thanksgivings Baptisms Marriages Funerals (church) Funerals (crem)
Hadley Holy Trinity 41 26 0 0 4 4 19 9
Wellington Christ Church 45 33 2 0 7 2 7 9
Total 86 59 2 0 11 6 26 18
Page last updated: Monday 5th August 2024 9:24 AM
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