Shelton and Oxon


Evangelical; Central

Monthly services:

3 services weekly

Schools, colleges:

Oxon Primary School 
Bowbrook Primary



Training Incumbent
The Revd Charlotte Gompertz

Trained: St. John's Nottingham. Deaconed: 2016 Lichfield

Vicar here since 2019

Rev Charlotte is a former mental health nurse and youth and children's worker. Both of these roles continue to be at the heart of her life and mission in Oxon. She considers herself a 'mellow charismatic/inclusive evangelical' who is besotted with the Bible and sharing Jesus with everyone. She firmly believes that church is a place where everyone is welcome and has fostered that in her time at Oxon. She is part of the Shrewsbury and Wrekin Deanery Chapter; has recently joined Diocesan Synod and delivers regular mental health training for Lichfield Diocese.

TI/parish stance on LLF

We would be looking to use the Prayers of Love and Faith as part of our ministry here at Shelton and Oxon.


The context

The Parish of Oxon provides wonderful opportunities for a mission and community minded curate. Whether you need schools experience or working with the elderly, occasional offices or creative preaching practice you will find it here. Strong links with local hospitals and hospice chaplaincy teams as well as with the psychiatric hospital could also provide opportunities for ministry. The parish is a wonderful mix of ages and ethnicities (more so than the rest of Shrewsbury) with many people moving to the area to work in the hospital.

The ministry 'team' is small but mighty with a Reader, organist and a number of lay preachers enabling diverse voices to be heard on a Sunday. Church wardens, Alyson and Stuart, are a great team with diverse gifts, always ready to support the vicar.

Members of both congregations are committed and supportive. The 9 o'clock congregation, while enjoying their 'traditional' service are more than happy with flexibility and enjoy regular sermon series that the vicar imposes on them! Our Fresh Expression 'Elevenses' is particularly attractive to young families and has been shaped by a handful who are committed Christians. There are also a number of folks who are committed to seeing church thrive for the younger generations. This 'core group' are joined every week by visitors, baptism families and others with the informal style enabling those with no faith background to feel welcome.

With particularly strong links with our church primary school, Oxon Parish Church is very much at the heart of the community, serving and sharing God's love as best we can.

Mission statistics (2023)

Electoral Roll Usual Sunday Attendance Adults Usual Sunday Attendance Children Thanksgivings Baptisms Marriages Funerals (church) Funerals (crem)
119 50 7 0 11 1 4 7
Page last updated: Friday 26th July 2024 2:40 PM
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