Diocesan Synod November 2024

30 November 2024 at Aldridge Church Centre

  • Opening Worship was led by the Revd David Sims.
  • The President paid tribute to the work of Tug Wilson, the outgoing Lay Chair, for his many years of service.  Members showed their appreciation with a round of applause.
  • He also thanked Helen Palfrey, who was soon to step down as Diocesan Mothers’ Union President and nominated member of Synod.
  • He then welcomed Bishop Tim, the new Bishop of Wolverhampton, to his first meeting.
  • Bishop Michael then gave his Presidential Address, speaking about the debate on Assisted Dying that had taken place in parliament the previous day, the result of which he was deeply disquieted by.  Also the restored Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris had opened, and he noted that our church buildings could be powerful reminders to people of the enduring reality of the Christian faith, standing invitations to enter more fully into engagement with the life-giving gospel. There were many other ways in which people of the diocese could encounter the living God through contact with chaplaincies, schools and community projects, in friendships freely built, in service gladly offered. He asked that as Synod engaged with its agenda, that we prayed earnestly that God would give us wisdom, discernment and faith to tackle our challenges and to build on our opportunities so that God’s Kingdom may be built among us.
  • The new Chair of the House of Laity, Amanda Robbie introduced herself, and explained that it was proposed to adjourn the agenda item on National Financial Allocation, as new information had been received on this matter with new proposals expected from the National Church. She then formally proposed the adjournment, and this was clearly approved by a vote.
  • The minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2024 were approved and signed accordingly.
  • Emma Popo (Net Zero Caron Project Manager) and Jan Firth (Net Carbon Zero Officer) gave a presentation to introduce the Net Zero Carbon Action Plan 2024-30. The Revd Neil Robbie proposed amendment to the motion on the agenda. As follows:

This Synod, recognising

(a) that the earth is the Lord’s, everything in it and all who live in it.

(i) all people are commanded by God to care for and steward the earth for the benefit of this and future generations, working with Christ, the first fruits of the new creation, towards the renewal of the earth;

(ii) that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe, turning the hearts of the wicked to righteousness, which includes acts of thoughtful, caring, sacrificial stewardship of the earth.

(b) that there is a rapidly increasing issue of climate injustice as not all regions suffer the effects of climate change equally

(i) that whilst developed nations have working infrastructure and sufficient material resources to mitigate the effects of extreme weather, poorer nations in the majority world lack the means and social policies to cope with extreme weather, therefore:

(ii) God calls every individual Anglican Christian to practise creation care as part of their daily, prayerful and sacrificial following of Christ;

(iii) every individual Anglican is encouraged to be unashamed of the gospel, calling everyone to turn away from actions which deny God's ownership of all things, including greed, corruption and extractive economic practices which lead to a lack of investment in social infrastructure such as drainage, water treatment, waste collection, building regulations, property insurance and renewable energy infrastructure, as we hold out the full forgiveness and hope of Christ with the call to follow him as he renews the earth.

(iv) commits us as a diocese to welcome the Action Plan presented on November 30 2024 and resources for sustainable living including, but not limited to:

  • policies and procedures to minimise waste and increase use of renewable energies;
  • the incorporation of creation care into liturgical practice;
  • discipleship, vocational, evangelistic and other resources to support our worshipping communities in deepening commitment and understanding in order that these goals can be achieved

(v) requests a report to Synod every 12 months on progress, beginning in 2025.

A vote was held, and this amendment was accepted to proceed. Following questions, the motion as amended was voted upon and carried with three abstentions.

  • The Director of Finance presented the Budget for 2025. Questions were invited and the Chair then moved that:

The Board be authorised to expend in 2024 a sum not exceeding £16,445,987 as representing the net unrestricted expenditure for the year ending 31.12.25.

This was carried unanimously.

The Director of Finance then moved that:

The Board of Finance Budget for 2025 be received

This was carried unanimously.

  • A paper setting out a proposed scheme for deanery synod representation for the Connect 2 BMO had been circulated previously. The Chair then moved that: 

This Synod approves the proposals laid out in DS24/11/05

This was voted upon and carried with three abstentions.

  • A Report, by Chris Gill, of the July Sessions of General Synod had been circulated previously. There were no questions.

The Chair then moved that:

The report of the General Synod sessions in July 2024 be received.

This was voted upon and carried unanimously.

  • The Question Time paper was discussed, which contained twenty-three written questions and answers.  Several supplementary questions were answered. Tug Wilson (General Synod) asked members to consider carefully when asking for information, what the purpose was, as there was a cost, both in time and in turn financially, to every answer given by diocesan staff.
  • The Diocesan Secretary gave her farewell speech to synod, as she was to retire at the end of the year. She reflected on her over fifteen years in the role, including attending forty-three meetings of Synod, reflecting on some of the difficulties, highlights and reasons for hope.  Bishop Michael responded with heartfelt thanks, love and prayers on his own and Synod’s behalf. This was greeted with warm applause. Bishop Matthew then led prayers for Julie.
  • Bishop Michael closed the meeting in prayer.

All papers are available on the website here or by contacting jo.durber@lichfield.anglican.org or 01543 306067

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