Bishop’s Council/Diocesan Synod Standing Committee/DBF Council/Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee
Contact here
- Mrs Penny Allen (Elected)
- The Rt Revd Sarah Bullock (Bishop of Shrewsbury)
- Mr Andrew Charles (Elected)
- Mr Stephen Clifford (Elected)
- Mr Philip Coleman (Elected)
- Mr Sam Duru (Elected)
- The Revd James Gandon (Elected)
- Mr Chris Gill (Elected)
- Dr Paul Graetz (Elected)
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (Bishop of Lichfield (Chair))
- The Revd Preb Brian Leathers (Elected)
- Mrs Josephine Locke (Elected)
- The Revd Jane Lyon (Nominated)
- Mr Malcolm Maclean (Elected)
- The Revd Chris Precious (Elected)
- The Rt Revd Jan McFarlane (Dean)
- The Revd Preb Michael Metcalf (Chair, DBE Committee)
- The Rt Revd Matthew Parker (Bishop of Stafford)
- Mrs Amanda Robbie (Elected) (Chair, Diocesan Synod House of Laity)
- The Revd David Sims (Elected)
- The Ven Dr Megan Smith (Archdeacon of Stoke)
- The Rt Revd Paul Thomas (Bishop of Oswestry)
- The Rt Revd Tim Wambunya (Bishop of Wolverhampton)
- The Ven Dr Sue Weller (Archdeacon of Lichfield)
- The Revd Preb Ben Whitmore (Chair, Diocesan Synod House of Clergy)
- Mr John (Tug) Wilson (Elected)
- Mr David Wright (Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Vacant (Archdeacon of Salop)
- Vacant (Archdeacon of Walsall)
Finance and Asset Management Committee (FAM)
Contact here
- Mrs Penny Allen (Co-opted)
- The Revd Preb Terry Bloor (Deputy Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Mrs Katie Brown (Chair, Property Operations Group)
- Mr Martin Garrington (Parish Assessors)
- Mr Chris Gill (Bishop’s Council)
- Mr Peter Gravestock (Chair, Risk and Audit Committee)
- Mr Jonathan Hill (Director of Finance - In attendance)
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (Bishop of Lichfield)
- Mr Mark Laws (Chair, Glebe Operations Group)
- The Revd Preb Michael Metcalf (Chair, DBE Committee)
- The Revd Jim Trood (Non-synodical member)
- Mr David Wright (Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Vacant (CEO - In attendance)
Budget Review Group (BRG)
Contact: David Wright
- The Revd Preb Terry Bloor (Deputy Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Mr Jonathan Hill (Director of Finance)
- Vacant (CEO)
- Mr David Wright (Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
Risk and Audit Committee (RAC)
Contact here
- Mrs Penny Allen (Co-opted)
- The Revd Preb Terry Bloor (Deputy Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Mr Philip Coleman (Co-opted)
- Mr Peter Gravestock (Chair)
- Mr Jonathan Hill (Director of Finance - In attendance)
- Mr Malcolm Maclean (Bishop's Council)
- Vacant (CEO - In attendance)
- Mr David Wright (Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
Agenda Planning Committee
Contact: Julie Jones
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (President, Diocesan Synod)
- Vacant (CEO/Diocesan Secretary)
- The Revd Chris Precious (Bishop’s Council)
- Mrs Amanda Robbie (Chair, House of Laity)
- The Revd Preb Ben Whitmore (Chair, House of Clergy)
- Mr John (Tug) Wilson (Bishop's Council)
- Mr David Wright, Chair (Diocesan Board of Finance)
Pay and Conditions Committee (PACS)
Contact: David Wright
- The Revd Preb Terry Bloor (Deputy Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Mr Jonathan Hill (Director of Finance)
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (Bishop of Lichfield)
- Vacant (CEO)
- Mr David Wright (Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
Vacancy in See Committee (from 1/1/25)
Contact: Julie Jones
- Mrs Penny Allen (General Synod)
- Vacant (General Synod)
- Mrs Barabara Boote (Elected)
- The Rt Revd Sarah Bullock (Bishop of Shrewsbury)
- Mr Andrew Charles (General Synod)
- Dr Ros Clarke (General Synod)
- Mr Matt Edwards (General Synod)
- Mr Andrew Farrow (Elected)
- The Revd Damian Feeney (General Synod)
- The Revd James Gandon (Elected)
- Mr Chris Gill (General Synod)
- The Revd Preb Pat Hawkins (General Synod)
- Vacant (General Synod)
- The Revd Preb Brian Leathers (Elected)
- The Revd Treena Larkin (General Synod)
- Mr Abishaq Leel (General Synod)
- Mrs Josephine Locke (Elected)
- Mr Malcolm Maclean (Elected)
- The Rt Revd Jan McFarlane (Dean)
- The Revd Shaun Morris (General Synod)
- Mr Nnaeto Onwuzurumba (Elected)
- The Rt Revd Matthew Parker (Bishop of Stafford)
- Mrs Amanda Robbie (General Synod/Chair House of Laity)
- Mrs Helen Robertson (Elected)
- Mr Stephen Robinson (Elected)
- The Ven Dr Megan Smith (Archdeacon of Stoke)
- The Rt Revd Tim Wanbunya (Bishop of Wolverhampton)
- The Ven Dr Sue Weller (Archdeacon of Lichfield)
- The Revd Preb Ben Whitmore (Chair, House of Clergy)
- Mr John (Tug) Wilson (General Synod)
Diocesan Board of Education Committee (DBE Committee)
Contact: Preb Michael Metcalf
- The Revd Iain Baker (Elected)
- Mrs Susan Bowyer (Co-opted)
- The Revd Simon Douglas (Co-opted)
- Mrs Sara Goddard (Co-opted)
- Mr John Heath (Co-opted)
- The Revd Teena Larkin (Co-opted)
- Mr Malcolm Maclean (Elected)
- The Revd Preb Michael Metcalf (Bishop's Appointment (Chair))
- The Revd Alison Morris (Elected)
- Mr David Smith (Elected)
- The Ven Dr Megan Smith (Archdeacon of Stoke-upon-Trent, Bishop's Appointment)
Trusts, Projects, Loans and Grants Committee (TPLG)
Contact here
- The Revd Preb Terry Bloor (Chair)
- Mr Stephen Clifford (Bishop's Council)
- Mrs Jess Dace (Deputy Director of Finance)
- Mr Jonathan Hill (Director of Finance)
- Mr Chris Gill (Co-opted)
- Mr Roger Marsh (Parish Assessors)
- The Revd Chris Precious (Bishop’s Council)
- The Ven Megan Smith (Archdeacon of Stoke)
- The Ven Sue Weller (Archdeacon of Lichfield)
- Mr John (Tug) Wilson (Co-opted)
- Vacant (Archdeacon of Salop)
- Vacant (Archdeacon of Walsall)
- Vacant (CEO)
Parish Assessors Sub Committee (PASC)
Contact here
- Mr John Brown (Parish Assessor)
- Dr Douglas Brown (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Sam Duru (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Bryan Fletcher (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Peter Ford (Parish Assessor)
- Vacant (Archdeacon of Walsall)
- Mr Martin Garrington (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Bob Kettlewell (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Chris Leng (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Roger Marsh (Parish Assessor)
- Mr Phil Needham (Parish Assessor)
- Ms Julia Podmore (Parish Assessor)
- The Ven Megan Smith (Archdeacon of Stoke)
- Vacant (Archdeacon of Salop)
- The Ven Sue Weller (Archdeacon of Lichfield)
Diocesan Investment Group (DIG)
Contact here
- The Revd Preb Terry Bloor (Deputy Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
- Mrs Kim Benton
- Mr David Gage
- Mr Peter Gravestock (Chair)
- Mr Jonathan Hill (Director of Finance)
- The Revd Brian Leathers (Bishop's Council)
- Vacant (CEO)
- The Revd Preb Michael Metcalf (Chair, DBE Committee)
- Mr David Rimmer
- Mr Colin Tyne
- Mr David Wright (Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance)
Diocesan Board of Patronage
Contact: Clare Beavon
- Mr Matthew Aldridge
- Mrs Penny Allen
- Mr Graham Eardley
- The Revd Preb Richard Grigson
- The Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave (Bishop of Lichfield)
- The Revd Paul Kingman
- Mrs Josephine Locke
- The Revd Debbie Loughran
- Mr Geoffrey Nankivell
- Mr John (Tug) Wilson (Chair)
Glebe Operations Group
Contact here
- Mrs Penny Allen (FAM)
- Mr Mark Laws (Chair)
- Archdeacons on a rota basis
Property Operations Group
Contact here
- Mrs Katie Brown (Chair)
- The Revd Paul Kingman
- The Revd Abbie Walsh
- Archdeacons on a rota basis
St Chad’s Retreat Centres (SCRC) (Shallowford House)
Contact: The Revd Sue Watson
- Mr David Boote
- The Revd Preb Jeanette Hartwell
- Mr Steve Vince
- The Revd Sue Watson (Chair)
Safeguarding Scrutiny Panel (SSP)
Contact: Mrs Liz Jermy
- Mrs Sarah Fullard (Safeguarding Training Officer - in attendance)
- Mrs Kim Hodgkins (Assistant Safeguarding Officer - in attendance)
- Mr Peter Hurd (Deputy Head of Safeguarding - in attendance)
- Mr Malcolm Hubble
- Mrs Liz Jermy (Chair)
- Mr Arun Kataria (Diocesan Communications Officer - in attendance)
- The Revd Treena Larkin (Bishop’s Chaplain)
- Ms Trudie McGuiness
- The Ven Dr Megan Smith (Archdeacon of Stoke)
- Mr Neil Spiring (Head of Safeguarding)
- Mr Andrew Stone
- Mr Simon Warburton (Lichfield Cathedral - in attendance)
- Mr Andrew Wynne (Diocesan Registrar)