DAC Members and Advisers


A person carrying out functions of care and conservation... relating to churches must have due regard to the role of a church as a local centre of worship and mission, and the importance of environmental protection.
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure

Membership of the Lichfield Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) is governed by schedule 2 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018 (as amended) and constitutes:

These other members represent:

  • 2 appointed by Bishop's Council from among the elected members of Diocesan Synod
  • at least 10 others appointed by Bishop's Council, including 2 appointed after consultation with Historic England and the National Amenity Societies
  • at least 1 who must have personal knowledge and experience of issues relating to securing accessibility for disabled people to buildings and facilities
  • other members as may be co-opted with the consent of the Diocesan Bishop

By analogy with the required quorum for a meeting of the Church Buildings Council, under schedule 4 of the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007, a quorum of the DAC (required to be in attendance at a DAC meeting) is one third of the Committee.

The members appointed must have between them:

  1. knowledge of the history, development and use of church buildings
  2. knowledge of Church of England liturgy and worship
  3. knowledge of architecture, archaeology, art and history
  4. experience of the care of historic buildings and their contents
  5. knowledge of environmental matters

In accordance with the Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure Code of Practice (1993):

Members of DACs are not delegates or representatives of either the body which appointed them or any other body which was consulted about their appointment, although they are encouraged to report back to those bodies and to keep them interested in and informed of the Committee's activities. Members must exercise an independent judgement on each matter before them, must declare any interest and withdraw from the discussion in appropriate cases, and must exercise reasonable care and (in the case of professional people) reasonable professional skill and judgement.

The Church of England has published the following updated guidance (2022):

DAC members are insured for errors and omissions under the provisions of the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance (LDBF).

Functions of DAC members

In accordance with section 37 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018, the DAC must act as an advisory body on matters affecting places of worship in the diocese and, in particular, must give advice when requested by a relevant person on matters relating to the:

  1. grant of faculties
  2. architecture, archaeology, art or history of a place of worship
  3. use, care, planning, design or closure of a place of worship
  4. use or care of the contents of a place of worship
  5. use or care of a churchyard or burial ground

The DAC must review and assess the degree of risk to materials, or of loss to archaeological or historic remains or records, arising from proposals relating to the conservation, repair or alteration of a place of worship, churchyard or burial ground or the contents of such a place.

In carrying out its functions, the DAC must have due regard to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.

DAC members as volunteers

All DAC members (apart from the ex-officio Archdeacons) are expert volunteers for the diocese.

Members should consult the following diocesan information on the operation of their role (2023):

Lichfield DAC members

There are 22 members for the Synodical period 2022–27

The Revd Preb Pat Hawkins KHC BA (Hons) MA BPhil BTh (Hons) Chair
The Ven Dr Megan Smith MBChB MRCP(UK) FRCPCH MTh MSc FHEA Vice Chair; Archdeacon of Stoke-upon-Trent
The Ven Dr Susan Weller BSc (Hons) BA (Hons) PhD Archdeacon of Lichfield
The Revd Preb Julia Cody LLB (Hons) BTh (Hons) Acting Archdeacon of Walsall
The Revd Preb Jim Trood BSc PGCE MTh Acting Archdeacon of Walsall
The Revd Preb Jo Farnworth BA MA BTh MA Acting Archdeacon of Salop
The Revd Preb Mary Thomas BA (Hons) Acting Archdeacon of Salop
The Revd Preb Terry Bloor BTh (Hons) Associate Archdeacon of Stoke-upon-Trent
[Vacant] Member appointed from elected members of Diocesan Synod
Mr Chris Gill ACMA Member appointed from elected members of Diocesan Synod
Dr John Hunt BA PhD FSA FRHistS PGCE Member appointed after consultation with Historic England
Mr Edward Higgins BSc (Hons) MA Member appointed after consultation with the Local Government Association
Mr Andy Foster MA FSA Member appointed after consultation with the National Amenity Societies
The Revd Margaret Brighton Accessibility member
Mr Bryan Martin BA DipArch RIBA AABC Conservation architect
Mr Adrian Mathias BA DipArch MA Cons RIBA AABC Conservation architect
Mrs Candida Pino Dott. Arch. RIBA AABC Conservation architect
Mr Mark Stewart BA (Hons) DipArch RIBA SCA AABC Conservation architect
The Revd Geoffrey Eze Clergy member
The Revd Neil Hibbins MA DPS Clergy member
Dr Andy Wigley BSc MA PCHE PhD FSA MCIfA DAC adviser*
Mr Peter Woollam MSc HND CEng MIET DAC adviser*

* These DAC members also fulfil the roles of DAC adviser listed below


Advisers to the Lichfield DAC are also governed by schedule 2 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018, where the Diocesan Bishop may appoint suitably qualified persons to act as consultants to the Committee.

The Church of England has published the following updated guidance (2022):

DAC advisers are insured for errors and omissions under the provisions of the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance (LDBF).

Functions of DAC advisers

In accordance with the Church of England guide (above), the role of the DAC is to advise the Diocesan Chancellor on all matters relating to the care and conservation of churches. The primary role of DAC advisers is to give advice to the DAC on matters requiring particular specialist knowledge, to help it fulfil this role.

The adviser will advise the DAC on matters related to their specialist knowledge, and keep the DAC informed of aspects of applications and requests for advice that have direct bearing on their subject area. The DAC Secretary or Assistant DAC Secretary will be the usual conduit for channelling advice.

DAC advisers as volunteers

All DAC advisers are expert volunteers for the diocese.

Advisers should consult the following diocesan information on the operation of their role (2023):

Lichfield DAC advisers

Mrs Joanna Lawton BA PGDip (Hons) BArch RIBA CA AABC Architect Adviser*
Mrs Anne Netherwood BArch BD RIBA CA Architect Adviser*
Mr Mark Parsons BA BArch RIBA AABC Architect Adviser*
Mr Geraint Roberts MA DipArch DipBldgCons (RICS) RIBA SCA Architect Adviser*
Mr Matt Faber BA (Hons) Arch PGDip Cons MCIAT Architectural Adviser*
Mr Andrew Baker Heating Adviser
Mr Peter Bemrose BSc (Hons) MSc CEng MIChemE Heating Adviser
Mr Malcolm Price BSc CEng MCIBSE (Retd) Heating Adviser
[Vacant] Lighting Adviser
[Vacant] Electrics Adviser
[Vacant] Audio-Visual Adviser
Mr Peter Woollam MSc HND CEng MIET Bell Adviser; Telecoms Adviser
Mr Nigel de Gaunt-Allcoat Organ Adviser
[Vacant] Clock Adviser
Dr Andy Wigley BSc MA PCHE PhD FSA MCIfA Archaeology Adviser
Mr Andy Smith MArb CEnv MICFor FArborA Tree Adviser
Mr John Polhill BSc Garden Adviser

* These DAC advisers provide internal consultation advice to the DAC Secretariat and Archdeacons

Please note: Whilst the names and specialisations of individual members and advisers are given above, all requests for DAC advice must follow due process and be made through the DAC Secretary or Assistant DAC Secretary.

Page last updated: Wednesday 12th February 2025 5:30 PM
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